Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What hardware/software should I use for making video game gameplay commentaries?

I also have a macbook, so don't give me any PC only software.What hardware/software should I use for making video game gameplay commentaries?All I use is Windows Movie Maker, you can watch the gameplay while commentating, on my computer I don't even need a mic. but use my TB's sometimes, hope I could help!What hardware/software should I use for making video game gameplay commentaries?Try to get good editing software like Sony Vegas, and a decent capture card. You will also need something along the lines of an audio recorder. I recommend Audacity, but you need either an internal or external microphone. If your thinking about doing this as a hobby, don't overspend. Use either an EasyCap or a Dazzle for hobby, and if you want a job doing this, go out and buy an HD PVR. If you don't want to but Vegas, either torrent it or use iMovie.

If you're doing this as a hobby:

EasyCap DC160+/Dazzle Platinum

iMovie/Torrented Vegas


Rockband/internal mic.

If you're doing it for a job:

Hauppage HD PVR

Vegas or something along the lines of it


Blue Snowball Mic.What hardware/software should I use for making video game gameplay commentaries?Hauppauge HD PVR 1212

but it costs $250 =)

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